Monday, 28 July 2014

Monday 28 July

Today kicked off with a bit of general book knowledge.

Last week we talked about biographies and autobiographies.

Do you know the difference?

Definition: A biography is a nonfiction (true) account of someone's life.  It is written by someone other than the subject of the biography. It is written by someone else.

For more information on biographies click here.

Definition: An autobiography is a nonfiction (true) account of someone's life.  It is written by the subject of the autobiography - it is written by the person themselves.

For more information on autobiographies click here.

This week we focused on the foreword and the afterward in a book.


      noun \ˈfȯr-(ˌ)wərd\  
a section at the beginning of a book that introduces the book and is   usually written by someone other than the book's author

  noun \-ˌwərd :

a final section that comes after the main part of a book

New Book: 
Friday Barnes written by RA Spratt

We are having problems making the prezi work in blogger so in the meantime click here to see the presentation.

Today we also had a look at the application Goodreads.It is a great tool for keeping track of what you are reading. You can access goodreads on your computer or you can get the app on your iPad or similar device. You can keep a list of what you want to read, what you are currently reading and what you have read.

What do you use to keep a track of what you are reading?

Monday, 21 July 2014

Monday 21 July

Welcome back to Term 3!!

It was great to see everybody at Lit Club today. The library was full to the brim - it is just so good to see the enthusiasm from you all.

We started with a quick quiz based around How to train a Dragon. How many of went to this movie in the holidays?

Holiday Reading Competition. 

We have a lot of entries for the Holiday reading Competition - Read to a Pet! You can view these photos here.

Which photo do you like best? Comment below!

Bronze, Silver and Gold Badge Criteria

Keep working towards your next step - if you need help with Goodreads or Shelfari please ask. We are going to provide some instruction on how to use Goodreads and Shelfari in the near future.

Presentation of Theodore Boon: Kid Lawyer Author John Grisham
Check out this presentation to learn more about this book!

And finally this week… try this quiz!

In London this summer  the National Literary Trust has created a project called Books About Town,they have specially commissioned artwork that depicts the scenes and characters from classic stories to be placed on fifty book benches all over the capital.  

Click here to be taken to the quiz.

Have a great week!