Monday, 15 September 2014

Monday 15th September

Today at Lit Club we introduced a book called Never Odd or Even by John Townsend. What do you notice about this title.

Never Odd Or Even 
(A detective story with a difference)
John Townsend

What do you notice about the title of this book ??

Elliot is twelve. He's obsessed with numbers and letters, especially palindromes. He loves to spend his spare time playing about with words or numbers, when he can avoid school bully Victor Criddle, his arch-enemy. But when the biggest mystery that struck his school in the history of the world has to be solved, Elliot's forced to use all of his brain power.

This is a short, quick read which is definitely going to interest you if you love playing about with numbers and words. It's packed full of palindromes, anagrams and weird and wonderful number facts, but it's also got an engaging narrator and a clever plot. Just how clever the plot is doesn't really become apparent until the end -

This is a refreshingly different story which is  Well worth reading and it gets you thinking as the narrator tries to solve  the mystery and engages the reader throughout. Towards the very end that is when readers are really challenged to work out tclues, solve puzzles and find the culprit.

What is a Palindrome 
A word or phrase that reads the same in either direction 
What is an Anagram 
Rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to make another word or phrases.

Complete the Palindromes with either one word or two words from the list of words provided below.
  1. Drab as a fool , aloof as a _______________
  2. Draw pupil’s lip _________
  3. Murder for a jar of _______    _________
  4. No Lemon , No ____________
  5. Rise to Vote,  ___________
  6. Senile ______________
  7. Stack _______________
  8. Step on no ________
  9. Was it a car or a _____  I _______
  10. Yo, Banana ______
Boy, Cats , Felines, Red, Rum, Melon, Bard, Upward, Cat, Saw, Pets, Sir

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